survival hunter Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Raid

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 311 (167 unique characters) Survival Hunter mythic raid logs from the last three weeks.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max dps Avg dps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit 3.7M 3M 17.0% (53)
Copy Edit 3.2M 2M 4.8% (15)
Copy Edit 3.2M 3M 4.2% (13)
Copy Edit 3.2M 2M 2.6% (8)
Copy Edit 3.3M 3M 2.3% (7)
Copy Edit 3.2M 3M 1.9% (6)
Copy Edit 3.4M 2M 1.9% (6)
Copy Edit 2.9M 2.1M 1.6% (5)
Copy Edit 3.1M 2M 1.3% (4)
Copy Edit 2.9M 3M 1.3% (4)

Top gear


228892 36.3%
234494 19.0%
228905 12.2%
222448 10.3%
221116 9.6%
221057 7.1%
178865 3.9%
222567 1.0%


219308 76.2%
232541 73.6%
230027 16.7%
230198 8.7%
232485 7.4%
235363 6.8%
159612 3.2%
234217 3.2%


221060 33.1%
228842 23.2%
215136 15.8%
228841 7.1%
225577 5.5%
235428 5.5%
221103 3.2%
178707 2.3%


229269 38.3%
234503 22.2%
228860 13.2%
235416 12.9%
219338 6.1%
221048 2.6%
235452 1.9%
221098 1.6%


234507 27.7%
221054 21.2%
222817 19.0%
228844 18.0%
221109 3.2%
228839 3.2%
211062 2.6%
235427 1.3%


229274 86.8%
228852 6.4%
235810 2.3%
221041 2.3%
178794 1.0%
234502 1.0%


219342 75.2%
221124 9.0%
228846 6.4%
228878 3.2%
219501 1.6%
221059 1.6%
235454 1.0%
212415 0.6%


229272 83.3%
228867 8.0%
235449 1.9%
178798 1.9%
159357 1.6%
221119 1.3%
168971 1.3%
219341 0.6%


219339 51.1%
168983 10.0%
234501 9.6%
228877 9.3%
159361 9.3%
228845 3.2%
221101 2.9%
229268 2.9%


229270 97.1%
158341 1.6%
224686 0.6%


228883 29.6%
219335 21.2%
228862 16.7%
221106 12.9%
221035 11.6%
178796 6.1%
168982 0.6%
229273 0.6%


228411 97.1%
231265 22.8%
178869 22.8%
221198 22.8%
159462 8.4%
221197 6.8%
221200 3.5%
235424 3.5%


229271 97.7%
229270 97.1%
229274 86.8%
229272 83.3%
229269 38.3%
212018 0.6%



219342 75.2%
219339 51.1%
219335 21.2%
222817 19.0%
215136 15.8%
222448 10.3%
219338 6.1%
215135 2.6%

Top gems and enchants


213491 14.3%
228639 13.1%
228638 12.9%
228640 12.3%
213743 11.0%
213458 8.5%
213482 7.6%
213494 5.9%
213473 3.1%

Main-hand enchants

223781 42.3%
223784 20.0%
223765 14.8%

Back enchants

223731 51.9%
223737 31.5%
223800 5.8%

Chest enchants

223692 95.5%
223691 3.5%
223683 1.0%

Wrist enchants

223713 48.0%
223719 36.8%
223725 8.3%

Legs enchants

219911 97.4%
219908 2.3%
219910 0.3%

Boots enchants

223656 62.7%
223653 31.5%
200018 2.7%

Ring enchants

223677 67.7%
223674 17.8%
223662 10.6%

All specs