survival hunter Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Raid

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 414 (209 unique characters) Survival Hunter mythic raid logs from the last three weeks.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max dps Avg dps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit 1.3M 1M 6.0% (25)
Copy Edit 1.3M 1M 5.1% (21)
Copy Edit 1.4M 1M 4.8% (20)
Copy Edit 1.5M 1M 3.1% (13)
Copy Edit 1.2M 1M 2.9% (12)
Copy Edit 1.2M 1.1M 1.9% (8)
Copy Edit 1.3M 1M 1.9% (8)
Copy Edit 1.2M 1M 1.7% (7)
Copy Edit 1.2M 1M 1.4% (6)
Copy Edit 1.4M 1.3M 1.4% (6)

Top gear


222448 71.5%
222567 8.2%
221159 8.0%
222443 6.3%
212413 3.4%
221137 1.0%
212389 0.7%
221078 0.5%


133282 72.7%
215178 35.5%
212456 20.3%
219314 19.6%
212454 17.9%
219312 13.0%
220305 8.7%
159623 5.8%


178707 85.5%
225577 4.8%
221077 3.9%
215144 1.9%
215136 1.9%
225575 1.2%
219184 0.5%


212018 96.9%
212429 1.9%
225724 0.7%


222817 38.9%
133363 18.8%
225574 13.0%
212446 13.0%
221088 8.0%
211062 1.7%
219186 1.7%
219185 1.4%


212421 48.1%
212023 36.2%
231825 6.5%
219166 4.8%
221179 2.7%
211021 1.2%


219342 33.8%
212415 31.6%
178703 13.0%
221174 9.4%
225581 4.3%
217141 2.7%
212016 2.7%
159372 1.0%


212021 88.6%
219341 5.1%
212436 3.6%
219164 0.7%
221162 0.7%
221080 0.7%


178700 19.6%
225725 15.2%
221075 14.0%
219160 11.6%
219339 9.7%
225580 7.2%
212414 7.2%
221168 6.0%


212019 85.3%
157615 3.9%
219162 3.9%
219340 2.9%
159969 1.9%
212435 1.2%
178778 0.7%


159379 26.3%
219335 16.9%
133290 11.1%
225586 10.1%
221152 9.4%
212431 6.5%
178745 4.8%
225734 3.6%


133286 58.2%
162541 38.2%
225576 28.5%
225578 25.8%
219187 20.0%
215135 5.6%
215137 4.8%
211052 4.8%


212018 96.9%
212020 94.4%
212021 88.6%
212019 85.3%
212023 36.2%



222448 71.5%
222817 38.9%
219342 33.8%
219335 16.9%
219339 9.7%
222567 8.2%
222443 6.3%
215135 5.6%

Top gems and enchants


213491 36.2%
213743 13.5%
213458 10.8%
213473 8.0%
213482 7.9%
213490 4.8%
213494 4.5%
213497 4.2%
213457 1.3%

Main-hand enchants

223781 47.3%
223784 36.2%
223765 13.3%

Back enchants

223737 31.5%
223731 28.3%
223728 11.0%

Chest enchants

223692 71.2%
223691 21.3%
223683 3.9%

Wrist enchants

223713 28.9%
223719 25.5%
223718 10.8%

Legs enchants

219911 94.0%
219908 2.9%
219910 2.9%

Boots enchants

223656 54.6%
223655 13.7%
223653 12.2%

Ring enchants

223677 62.4%
223668 17.1%
223793 6.9%

All specs