About this summary
This visualization depicts specs diversity in the top 2000 Mythic Plus runs for each week. In this context, a week is defined by WoW's weekly reset periods. When a new week starts, the diversity might seem higher because fewer high-level keys have been done yet.
The data is gathered from the World of Warcraft Game Data APIs, specifically the Mythic Keystone Leaderboard API.
- DPS specs in alphabetical order
- Tank specs in alphabetical order
- Healer specs in alphabetical order
- Key Average key done for this period.
- Gini Gini coefficient refers to the inequality of a frequency distribution during a given period, where 0 signifies perfect equality and 1000 represents absolute inequality. The initial column includes to all roles, while the subsequent three columns encompass DPS, tank, and healer roles. In this representation, high red signifies low diversity, whereas low green indicates high diversity.