holy priest Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Mythic+

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 800 (346 unique characters) Holy Priest Mythic+ logs from the last two weeks ranging in difficulty from +11 to +15.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max key Avg key Max hps Avg hps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit +13 +11.3 1.3M 1M 6.3% (49)
Copy Edit +15 +12.4 1.4M 1M 4.3% (34)
Copy Edit +12 +11.3 1.2M 981K 2.0% (16)
Copy Edit +13 +12.4 1.2M 1M 1.4% (11)
Copy Edit +12 +11.4 1.1M 931K 1.2% (9)
Copy Edit +12 +11.9 1.3M 1M 1.0% (8)
Copy Edit +15 +14.6 1.2M 1M 0.9% (7)
Copy Edit +13 +12.3 1.3M 1M 0.9% (7)
Copy Edit +12 +11.7 1.1M 894K 0.9% (7)
Copy Edit +13 +11.8 1.2M 1.0M 0.8% (6)

Top gear


228411 80.4%
221099 34.1%
178871 13.8%
221197 10.4%
221198 8.3%
159462 7.5%
178872 6.3%
178870 5.9%


Top gems and enchants


213485 12.9%
228638 10.8%
228639 9.6%
213458 7.5%
213470 6.7%
213746 6.4%
228640 5.4%
213455 4.6%
228643 4.0%

Main-hand enchants

223778 74.4%
223781 13.1%
223759 3.8%

Back enchants

223737 63.4%
223731 23.1%
223734 5.6%

Chest enchants

223692 77.8%
223686 16.5%
223691 4.6%

Wrist enchants

223719 57.6%
223713 25.8%
223725 4.5%

Legs enchants

222893 63.9%
222896 29.1%
194016 3.1%

Boots enchants

223656 72.8%
223653 19.4%
223655 4.9%

Ring enchants

223674 38.8%
223662 30.4%
223677 9.0%

All specs