restoration druid Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Mythic+

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 767 (219 unique characters) Restoration Druid Mythic+ logs from the last two weeks ranging in difficulty from +15 to +21.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max key Avg key Max hps Avg hps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit +21 +19.2 177K 103K 2.3% (17)
Copy Edit +20 +18.4 186K 128K 1.6% (12)
Copy Edit +19 +18.6 186K 129K 1.3% (10)
Copy Edit +20 +18.6 165K 109K 1.2% (9)
Copy Edit +20 +18.6 162K 110K 0.9% (7)
Copy Edit +19 +18.3 165K 111K 0.8% (6)
Copy Edit +19 +18.3 179K 118K 0.8% (6)
Copy Edit +19 +18.0 205K 177K 0.8% (6)
Copy Edit +20 +18.8 94K 86K 0.7% (5)
Copy Edit +19 +18.4 134K 126K 0.7% (5)

Top gear


207788 98.0%
208616 1.1%
195497 0.4%
193707 0.3%


195513 22.3%
193745 16.6%
195484 14.7%
193709 14.6%
204324 7.8%
193783 6.5%
207796 6.5%
193766 6.3%


203729 61.9%
203714 54.4%
212685 34.8%
193743 12.7%
207174 9.7%
204211 8.4%
207172 5.1%
207581 4.0%


193001 77.8%
193676 11.2%
201759 3.0%
193809 2.4%
208445 2.3%
207163 1.8%
210214 0.7%
193666 0.7%


217195 93.5%
193406 3.1%
193725 1.9%
202575 0.8%
204415 0.4%


202510 27.0%
193511 21.4%
193712 14.3%
193763 11.6%
195482 8.9%
193629 7.1%
193787 5.1%
207161 1.5%


217191 80.1%
193453 7.4%
193776 4.4%
195478 4.2%
193399 1.9%
193680 1.2%
202586 0.8%


193419 36.0%
202511 13.5%
193649 12.9%
193714 12.5%
202594 10.5%
193793 5.8%
207128 4.4%
204394 1.8%


217192 59.8%
204414 15.8%
193661 7.3%
193758 5.4%
193721 3.9%
207130 2.2%
207903 2.2%
195514 1.8%


193407 26.8%
202512 25.5%
193744 12.3%
202655 7.7%
207131 6.7%
195501 5.9%
193636 5.8%
193668 4.4%


217194 96.4%
202596 1.6%
207132 0.9%
193811 0.7%
193684 0.3%


193739 28.0%
193398 19.1%
202517 11.3%
207126 7.7%
193654 7.1%
202574 6.7%
193817 6.1%
204391 4.3%


195526 86.0%
195480 58.4%
192999 28.2%
193731 7.8%
193768 6.1%
193804 2.4%
193696 2.4%
193671 2.3%


217194 96.4%
217195 93.5%
217193 91.0%
217191 80.1%
217192 59.8%


193001 77.8%
193453 7.4%
193452 1.1%


193419 36.0%
192999 28.2%
193407 26.8%
193511 21.4%
193398 19.1%
193406 3.1%
201759 3.0%
193399 1.9%


207788 98.0%
195526 86.0%
203729 61.9%
195480 58.4%
203714 54.4%
195513 22.3%
195484 14.7%
207174 9.7%

Top gems and enchants


192935 28.9%
192952 25.5%
192985 8.0%
192961 7.2%
192932 7.1%
192948 6.6%
192925 3.5%
192919 2.2%
192938 2.1%

Main-hand enchants

200054 74.5%
200058 23.5%
204623 1.2%

Head enchants

210494 100.0%

Back enchants

200031 80.4%
200033 18.5%
200035 1.0%

Chest enchants

200030 86.7%
200028 13.3%

Wrist enchants

200021 78.5%
200022 21.5%

Belt enchants

205039 100.0%

Legs enchants

194013 59.8%
194016 36.4%
204702 3.6%

Boots enchants

200020 85.5%
200018 14.2%
199934 0.1%

Ring enchants

200038 43.9%
200040 39.5%
200039 11.7%

All specs