survival hunter Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Mythic+

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 100 (92 unique characters) Survival Hunter Mythic+ logs from the last two weeks ranging in difficulty from +8 to +8.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max key Avg key Max dps Avg dps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 3.0M 3M 16.8% (16)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 3.3M 2.7M 9.5% (9)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 2.7M 2.6M 7.4% (7)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 2.8M 3M 3.2% (3)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 2.9M 2.8M 3.2% (3)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 3.0M 2.8M 3.2% (3)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 3.1M 2.7M 2.1% (2)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 3.4M 3.1M 2.1% (2)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 2.8M 2.6M 2.1% (2)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 2.7M 3M 2.1% (2)

Top gear


222448 44.2%
234494 12.6%
228905 9.5%
221116 6.3%
228892 6.3%
222443 4.2%
222567 4.2%
221057 4.2%


232541 46.3%
219308 31.6%
232485 20.0%
133282 18.9%
159612 16.8%
235363 14.7%
234217 8.4%
230027 7.4%


221060 24.2%
215136 15.8%
235428 14.7%
228842 9.5%
178707 8.4%
221103 5.3%
221077 5.3%
228841 5.3%


229269 42.1%
235416 13.7%
212018 11.6%
234503 11.6%
221048 10.5%
235452 6.3%
228860 3.2%


221054 27.4%
234507 27.4%
222817 15.8%
221109 4.2%
211005 3.2%
212446 3.2%
211062 3.2%
224664 2.1%


229274 70.5%
212023 10.5%
234502 6.3%
235810 4.2%
228852 2.1%
212421 2.1%
221041 2.1%


219342 50.5%
221124 14.7%
211028 7.4%
235454 5.3%
228846 5.3%
221059 5.3%
228878 4.2%
158357 3.2%


229272 66.3%
212021 8.4%
228867 5.3%
168971 4.2%
219341 4.2%
159357 4.2%
221119 2.1%
235449 2.1%


234501 22.1%
219339 20.0%
159361 16.8%
168983 9.5%
228877 8.4%
221101 6.3%
228845 4.2%
212017 3.2%


229270 76.8%
212019 10.5%
168974 2.1%
235451 2.1%
211025 2.1%


219335 18.9%
221035 17.9%
221106 14.7%
228883 10.5%
178796 9.5%
168982 5.3%
228862 5.3%
235448 4.2%


228411 91.6%
221198 26.3%
178869 15.8%
221197 14.7%
221200 9.5%
231265 9.5%
178872 7.4%
159462 5.3%


229270 76.8%
229271 72.6%
229274 70.5%
229272 66.3%
229269 42.1%
212020 15.8%
212018 11.6%
212023 10.5%



219342 50.5%
222448 44.2%
219339 20.0%
219335 18.9%
215136 15.8%
222817 15.8%
215135 5.3%
222443 4.2%

Top gems and enchants


213491 18.8%
228639 12.8%
228638 12.4%
228640 10.0%
213743 9.0%
213458 7.8%
213482 6.6%
213494 3.8%
213455 3.2%

Main-hand enchants

223781 47.8%
223765 25.0%
223762 9.8%

Back enchants

223731 47.0%
223737 31.3%
223734 4.8%

Chest enchants

223692 91.0%
223691 4.5%
223683 3.4%

Wrist enchants

223719 38.8%
223713 37.6%
223710 9.4%

Legs enchants

219911 93.1%
219908 5.7%
219914 1.1%

Boots enchants

223656 70.3%
223653 16.2%
223655 9.5%

Ring enchants

223677 68.6%
223662 11.9%
223674 6.5%

All specs