preservation evoker Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Raid

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 100 (82 unique characters) Preservation Evoker heroic raid logs from the last three weeks.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max hps Avg hps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit 2.0M 2M 6.0% (6)
Copy Edit 2.1M 2M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 2.1M 2M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 2.1M 2.0M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 2.3M 2M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 2.3M 2.1M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 1.9M 2M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.0M 2.0M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.2M 2M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.0M 2M 2.0% (2)

Top gear


222568 40.0%
222444 9.0%
231268 5.0%
228898 4.0%
168955 4.0%
221062 4.0%
228901 4.0%
221122 4.0%


222566 68.1%
228890 19.1%
221056 6.4%


230186 73.0%
230198 16.0%
219308 14.0%
230027 14.0%
219305 13.0%
230192 11.0%
178809 7.0%
230188 6.0%


221060 30.0%
221103 12.0%
228841 10.0%
225577 9.0%
215136 9.0%
228842 8.0%
212448 6.0%
178707 6.0%


229278 74.0%
212027 20.0%
234503 2.0%
235416 2.0%


234507 26.0%
221054 20.0%
222817 13.0%
225574 9.0%
212446 6.0%
199921 5.0%
221109 4.0%
133363 3.0%


229283 78.0%
212032 16.0%
235460 3.0%


219342 30.0%
221124 22.0%
228846 16.0%
228878 13.0%
158357 6.0%
221807 3.0%
212415 3.0%
211028 2.0%


229281 60.0%
212030 14.0%
228867 12.0%
221119 4.0%
168971 4.0%
159357 3.0%
219341 2.0%


234501 23.0%
168983 12.0%
228845 11.0%
219339 11.0%
228877 10.0%
159361 10.0%
211027 5.0%
221101 5.0%


229279 49.0%
212028 20.0%
158341 10.0%
221065 6.0%
221129 6.0%
228866 3.0%
168974 3.0%
219340 3.0%


221035 21.0%
228883 17.0%
228862 16.0%
221106 15.0%
219335 6.0%
178796 6.0%
232383 5.0%
168982 5.0%


228411 98.0%
221198 20.0%
221197 12.0%
159462 12.0%
231265 9.0%
221200 7.0%
215135 7.0%
178869 5.0%


229283 78.0%
229278 74.0%
229280 65.0%
229281 60.0%
229279 49.0%
212029 20.0%
212027 20.0%
212028 20.0%



222566 68.1%
222568 40.0%
219342 30.0%
222817 13.0%
219339 11.0%
222444 9.0%
215136 9.0%
215135 7.0%

Top gems and enchants


213491 15.3%
228638 12.8%
228639 12.7%
228640 9.4%
213458 8.5%
213482 5.2%
213743 4.9%
213479 4.5%
213746 4.2%

Main-hand enchants

223778 82.7%
223781 7.1%
223762 3.1%

Back enchants

223737 86.3%
223731 6.3%
223734 4.2%

Chest enchants

223692 78.0%
223686 17.0%
223691 3.0%

Wrist enchants

223719 85.9%
223713 8.7%
223716 4.3%

Legs enchants

222896 50.5%
222893 40.2%
194012 3.1%

Boots enchants

223656 90.1%
223653 5.5%
200018 2.2%

Ring enchants

223677 57.6%
223662 16.2%
223674 15.2%

All specs