assassination rogue Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Raid

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 165 (134 unique characters) Assassination Rogue mythic raid logs from the last three weeks.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max dps Avg dps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit 2.7M 2M 24.8% (41)
Copy Edit 2.8M 2M 21.2% (35)
Copy Edit 2.9M 2M 15.2% (25)
Copy Edit 2.8M 2M 13.3% (22)
Copy Edit 2.7M 2M 3.6% (6)
Copy Edit 2.7M 2.6M 1.8% (3)
Copy Edit 2.8M 2M 1.8% (3)
Copy Edit 1.7M 2M 1.8% (3)
Copy Edit 2.7M 2M 1.2% (2)
Copy Edit 1.8M 2M 1.2% (2)

Top gear


222438 94.5%
228897 3.0%


228897 32.1%
231266 27.9%
234493 6.7%
168962 6.1%
212395 5.5%
221110 5.5%
221044 4.8%
222438 3.6%


219308 49.1%
232541 43.0%
133282 32.1%
230027 10.3%
159612 8.5%
219314 6.1%
221023 5.5%
235363 5.5%


225577 29.1%
215136 18.8%
221060 11.5%
178707 9.7%
221103 8.5%
228842 6.7%
235428 4.2%
221077 3.6%


229287 54.5%
212036 38.2%
234500 1.8%
228875 1.8%
235444 1.2%


234507 27.3%
221054 16.4%
221109 9.1%
212446 8.5%
199921 6.7%
222817 6.1%
225574 6.1%
228844 4.8%


229292 44.2%
212041 30.3%
235417 10.3%
228864 4.8%
221130 3.0%
221049 3.0%
178744 1.2%
212433 1.2%


219334 43.6%
234499 17.6%
221053 6.7%
228885 6.7%
212438 4.8%
158353 4.8%
228869 3.6%
235446 3.0%


212039 42.4%
229290 35.8%
221036 9.7%
159305 4.2%
168985 2.4%
211016 1.8%
221102 1.2%
235441 1.2%


219331 24.2%
168957 17.0%
221107 12.7%
228856 9.1%
178805 7.3%
159725 6.7%
225583 4.2%
228880 4.2%


212037 46.1%
229288 46.1%
221042 2.4%
168968 2.4%
178801 1.2%


228888 20.6%
221120 18.8%
221071 14.5%
168975 8.5%
219327 7.9%
178797 6.1%
212040 6.1%
159336 4.8%


228411 99.4%
178869 17.6%
221197 15.8%
221198 15.2%
225578 7.9%
221200 7.3%
178872 7.3%
178870 6.1%


229287 54.5%
212037 46.1%
229288 46.1%
229292 44.2%
229289 43.0%
212039 42.4%
212036 38.2%
229290 35.8%



222438 94.5%
219334 43.6%
219331 24.2%
215136 18.8%
219327 7.9%
222817 6.1%
222438 3.6%
215135 2.4%

Top gems and enchants


213491 18.7%
228638 11.9%
228639 11.9%
213458 10.8%
213743 10.3%
228640 10.0%
213473 5.7%
213482 5.2%
213497 3.9%

Main-hand enchants

223784 52.1%
223781 47.9%

Off-hand enchants

223781 54.5%
223784 45.5%

Back enchants

223731 71.8%
223737 16.7%
223728 5.1%

Chest enchants

223692 98.8%
223683 1.2%

Wrist enchants

223713 70.8%
223719 17.4%
223710 5.0%

Legs enchants

219911 95.1%
219908 4.9%

Boots enchants

223656 90.7%
223653 6.6%
223655 2.6%

Ring enchants

223677 73.1%
223662 14.1%
223793 3.4%

All specs