holy paladin Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Raid

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 100 (86 unique characters) Holy Paladin mythic raid logs from the last three weeks.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max hps Avg hps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit 3.2M 2.7M 4.0% (4)
Copy Edit 2.6M 2.6M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 2.7M 3M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 2.7M 2.6M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.6M 2.6M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.5M 3M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.5M 2.5M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.8M 3M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.5M 2.5M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 2.7M 3M 2.0% (2)

Top gear


222444 59.0%
231268 13.0%
222450 8.0%
222445 5.0%
159641 5.0%
221122 4.0%
221105 2.0%
228901 2.0%


222432 41.8%
228889 27.5%
221045 12.1%
231311 6.6%
178867 6.6%
159663 3.3%


230186 84.0%
230198 23.0%
219308 21.0%
219305 17.0%
230194 15.0%
230192 15.0%
178809 5.0%
230188 4.0%


221060 42.0%
228841 13.0%
225577 11.0%
215136 11.0%
221103 8.0%
228842 7.0%
212448 3.0%
211063 2.0%


229242 91.0%
178802 3.0%
235415 2.0%
222436 2.0%


234507 33.0%
221054 19.0%
222817 12.0%
228839 11.0%
228844 10.0%
235430 4.0%
225574 4.0%
221109 3.0%


229247 88.0%
234506 4.0%
221069 3.0%
228851 3.0%
222430 2.0%


222435 30.0%
228868 28.0%
221064 15.0%
158359 8.0%
228884 8.0%
221118 7.0%
211036 3.0%


229245 70.0%
234504 9.0%
228849 8.0%
168980 4.0%
155864 4.0%
221112 3.0%


234505 25.0%
221040 14.0%
222431 12.0%
228886 12.0%
228873 12.0%
168976 9.0%
229241 6.0%
235462 4.0%


229243 93.0%
228853 2.0%


228874 31.0%
159679 21.0%
222429 13.0%
221061 12.0%
221123 5.0%
228887 5.0%
211031 4.0%
232732 4.0%


228411 98.0%
178871 20.0%
159462 18.0%
231265 11.0%
221198 11.0%
178872 6.0%
178869 6.0%
215135 5.0%


229243 93.0%
229242 91.0%
229247 88.0%
229245 70.0%
229244 67.0%
211993 3.0%



222444 59.0%
222432 41.8%
222435 30.0%
222429 13.0%
222817 12.0%
222431 12.0%
215136 11.0%
222450 8.0%

Top gems and enchants


228638 12.0%
213482 10.9%
228643 9.3%
213455 9.0%
213494 8.6%
213746 7.6%
228639 7.6%
213479 7.3%
228644 5.4%

Main-hand enchants

223778 90.9%
223781 4.0%
223758 2.0%

Back enchants

223737 88.9%
223736 6.1%
223731 3.0%

Chest enchants

223692 84.0%
223686 15.0%
223691 1.0%

Wrist enchants

223719 88.7%
223718 4.1%
223725 3.1%

Legs enchants

222896 60.6%
222893 26.3%
235336 6.1%

Boots enchants

223656 70.7%
223653 26.1%
223655 3.3%

Ring enchants

223674 66.3%
223662 14.6%
223677 9.0%

All specs