enhancement shaman Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Raid

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 100 (94 unique characters) Enhancement Shaman mythic raid logs from the last three weeks.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max dps Avg dps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit 1.8M 2M 11.0% (11)
Copy Edit 1.8M 2M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 1.6M 2M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 1.6M 2M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit 1.6M 1.6M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 1.6M 2M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 1.7M 1.7M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 1.7M 1.7M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 1.6M 2M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit 1.6M 2M 2.0% (2)

Top gear


212398 42.0%
212409 21.0%
219877 15.0%
222451 7.0%
222442 6.0%
222446 5.0%
159973 2.0%
221090 2.0%


222451 35.0%
222446 25.0%
222442 25.0%
219877 11.0%
212398 3.0%


133282 88.0%
219314 71.0%
220305 13.0%
219312 8.0%
231417 7.0%
215178 5.0%
221023 4.0%
212456 3.0%


225577 76.0%
221077 13.0%
215136 6.0%
219184 4.0%


212009 100.0%


222817 53.0%
225574 34.0%
221088 7.0%
133363 3.0%
212446 2.0%


212421 86.0%
231825 9.0%
212014 2.0%
219166 2.0%


212415 67.0%
219342 29.0%
225581 3.0%


212012 99.0%


221075 25.0%
212414 23.0%
219339 18.0%
221168 15.0%
225725 12.0%
212008 6.0%


212010 100.0%


212013 59.0%
133290 12.0%
159379 11.0%
219335 9.0%
221152 7.0%


212447 59.0%
215135 57.0%
225576 44.0%
133299 26.0%
178736 4.0%
219189 3.0%
133286 3.0%


212011 100.0%
212009 100.0%
212010 100.0%
212012 99.0%
212014 2.0%



215135 57.0%
222817 53.0%
222451 35.0%
219342 29.0%
222446 25.0%
222442 25.0%
219339 18.0%
219335 9.0%

Top gems and enchants


213494 33.5%
213482 30.4%
213743 8.9%
213455 6.0%
213470 5.3%
213746 3.4%
213458 2.4%
213473 2.2%
213485 1.8%

Main-hand enchants

223784 55.0%
223781 37.0%
223765 7.0%

Off-hand enchants

223784 54.0%
223781 40.0%
223765 4.0%

Back enchants

223731 65.7%
223737 17.2%
223728 11.1%

Chest enchants

223692 99.0%
223683 1.0%

Wrist enchants

223713 64.0%
223719 18.0%
223710 8.0%

Legs enchants

219911 100.0%

Boots enchants

223656 70.7%
223653 15.2%
200018 6.1%

Ring enchants

223674 54.5%
223677 35.5%
223790 9.5%

All specs