enhancement shaman Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Mythic+

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 100 (96 unique characters) Enhancement Shaman Mythic+ logs from the last two weeks ranging in difficulty from +8 to +8.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max key Avg key Max dps Avg dps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.5M 1.5M 3.0% (3)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.5M 2M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.7M 2M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.8M 2M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.5M 1.4M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.4M 1.4M 2.0% (2)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.5M 1.5M 1.0% (1)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.4M 1.4M 1.0% (1)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.4M 1.4M 1.0% (1)
Copy Edit +8 +8.0 1.4M 1.4M 1.0% (1)

Top gear


222451 29.3%
222442 23.2%
222446 22.2%
212398 11.1%
221090 6.1%
212409 5.1%
159973 2.0%


222446 28.3%
222451 25.3%
222442 16.2%
221090 10.1%
219877 7.1%
212398 6.1%
212409 3.0%


219314 86.9%
133282 84.8%
219312 12.1%
215178 6.1%
221023 2.0%
231417 2.0%
225649 2.0%


221077 44.4%
215136 29.3%
225577 24.2%


212009 99.0%


222817 47.5%
221088 31.3%
225574 9.1%
133363 6.1%
212446 2.0%
150483 2.0%


212421 30.3%
231825 24.2%
219336 15.2%
212014 15.2%
221147 8.1%
219166 5.1%
211021 2.0%


219342 50.5%
212415 29.3%
225581 8.1%
178703 3.0%
221174 3.0%


212012 100.0%


221075 23.2%
221168 22.2%
219339 21.2%
225725 10.1%
212414 9.1%
212008 6.1%
159386 6.1%
178700 2.0%


212010 100.0%


221152 37.4%
212013 24.2%
133290 19.2%
159379 11.1%
219335 5.1%


215135 76.8%
133299 64.6%
212447 27.3%
178736 12.1%
225576 8.1%
159461 3.0%
225728 2.0%
219189 2.0%


212012 100.0%
212010 100.0%
212009 99.0%
212011 94.9%
212014 15.2%



215135 76.8%
219342 50.5%
222817 47.5%
222451 29.3%
215136 29.3%
222446 28.3%
222451 25.3%
222442 23.2%

Top gems and enchants


213482 48.0%
213494 22.8%
213743 11.6%
213455 5.2%
213470 5.1%
213481 2.0%
213493 0.6%
213500 0.6%
213454 0.5%

Main-hand enchants

223781 83.8%
223784 9.1%
223780 5.1%

Off-hand enchants

223781 78.8%
223780 8.1%
223784 8.1%

Back enchants

223731 70.2%
223730 10.6%
223728 9.6%

Chest enchants

223692 86.6%
223691 12.4%
223683 1.0%

Wrist enchants

223713 71.7%
223719 8.7%
223710 8.7%

Legs enchants

219911 96.9%
219908 3.1%

Boots enchants

223656 79.8%
223655 10.1%
223653 5.6%

Ring enchants

223674 66.7%
223790 10.4%
223677 8.9%

All specs