fury warrior Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Mythic+

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 100 (80 unique characters) Fury Warrior Mythic+ logs from the last two weeks ranging in difficulty from +13 to +17.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max key Avg key Max dps Avg dps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit +16 +13.8 3.2M 3M 22.6% (21)
Copy Edit +17 +14.3 3.3M 2.8M 18.3% (17)
Copy Edit +14 +13.6 3.0M 3M 9.7% (9)
Copy Edit +15 +13.8 3.0M 2.9M 4.3% (4)
Copy Edit +15 +14.3 3.0M 3M 3.2% (3)
Copy Edit +14 +13.7 2.9M 3M 3.2% (3)
Copy Edit +14 +13.3 2.8M 3M 3.2% (3)
Copy Edit +15 +14.5 2.7M 2.6M 2.2% (2)
Copy Edit +14 +13.5 2.3M 2.3M 2.2% (2)
Copy Edit +13 +13.0 2.8M 2.8M 2.2% (2)

Top gear


222447 37.6%
222443 10.8%
221063 10.8%
159638 9.7%
221127 9.7%
234490 7.5%
221111 5.4%
228903 3.2%


232526 23.7%
222447 16.1%
159638 11.8%
228891 10.8%
221111 9.7%
234490 8.6%
222443 6.5%
221063 6.5%


232541 62.4%
232485 39.8%
234217 22.6%
235363 22.6%
230027 21.5%
219308 8.6%
230194 7.5%
230193 6.5%


221060 72.0%
228842 7.5%
225577 5.4%
215136 5.4%
221103 3.2%
228841 3.2%


229233 91.4%
178802 3.2%
221052 2.2%


234507 49.5%
222817 18.3%
228844 6.5%
228839 5.4%
235421 4.3%
221109 4.3%
221054 4.3%
199921 4.3%


229238 94.6%
221069 2.2%
234506 2.2%


222435 57.0%
221118 12.9%
158359 10.8%
221064 6.5%
228868 4.3%
178807 3.2%
235463 3.2%


229236 90.3%
234504 3.2%
221112 2.2%
235457 2.2%


221040 39.8%
234505 22.6%
168976 9.7%
228873 7.5%
235462 6.5%
228886 6.5%
222431 5.4%


229234 37.6%
178800 18.3%
221034 18.3%
168966 10.8%
228853 7.5%
222434 3.2%
211033 2.2%
159451 2.2%


228874 38.7%
221123 25.8%
222429 7.5%
221061 7.5%
168972 6.5%
159679 4.3%
211031 4.3%
228887 3.2%


228411 97.8%
159462 29.0%
231265 21.5%
221200 18.3%
221198 8.6%
178869 8.6%
211052 4.3%
235424 2.2%


229238 94.6%
229233 91.4%
229236 90.3%
229235 88.2%
229234 37.6%



222435 57.0%
222447 37.6%
222817 18.3%
222447 16.1%
222443 10.8%
222429 7.5%
222443 6.5%
215136 5.4%

Top gems and enchants


213494 13.4%
228639 12.9%
228638 12.7%
213743 11.4%
213482 11.2%
228640 10.2%
213473 6.8%
213458 5.5%
228646 2.7%

Main-hand enchants

223784 47.3%
223781 36.6%
223765 11.8%

Off-hand enchants

223784 50.5%
223781 35.5%
223765 9.7%

Back enchants

223731 82.2%
223737 7.8%
223730 3.3%

Chest enchants

223692 94.6%
223689 3.3%
223688 1.1%

Wrist enchants

223713 68.5%
223719 20.2%
223725 5.6%

Legs enchants

219908 78.3%
219911 20.7%
235336 1.1%

Boots enchants

223656 75.6%
223653 18.6%
223655 3.5%

Ring enchants

223677 67.6%
223674 14.1%
223793 4.9%

All specs