frost death-knight Talents, Gear, Gems and Enchants for Mythic+

Top talents, gear, gems and enchants based on the top 476 (254 unique characters) Frost Death-knight Mythic+ logs from the last two weeks ranging in difficulty from +9 to +19.

Top talent builds

Class talents Spec talents Copy talents Wow­head Max key Avg key Max dps Avg dps Overall % (n)
Copy Edit +19 +11.9 621K 321K 13.1% (60)
Copy Edit +14 +10.2 506K 270K 11.8% (54)
Copy Edit +14 +10.0 399K 270K 8.5% (39)
Copy Edit +17 +12.4 585K 371K 8.3% (38)
Copy Edit +14 +11.3 397K 310K 3.1% (14)
Copy Edit +17 +12.5 521K 324K 2.8% (13)
Copy Edit +11 +9.5 396K 332K 2.8% (13)
Copy Edit +12 +10.4 347K 270K 2.4% (11)
Copy Edit +12 +9.8 391K 322K 2.0% (9)
Copy Edit +14 +11.3 414K 377K 1.5% (7)

Top gear


206448 68.8%
202606 14.8%
193742 2.8%
207786 2.6%
193638 2.4%
202559 1.1%
193779 0.9%
207800 0.9%


193700 50.0%
195505 12.5%
204958 12.5%


204211 65.5%
207167 62.7%
203729 16.6%
194301 15.3%
208614 7.4%
193762 4.1%
207166 3.3%
207168 3.1%


201759 57.0%
193001 8.1%
193676 8.1%
210214 4.6%
207163 4.4%
193666 4.1%
193809 4.1%
193647 3.3%


217225 89.5%
193802 2.2%
153723 2.0%
207198 1.7%
193741 1.3%
153744 0.9%
193686 0.9%
192010 0.4%


204465 39.5%
193511 17.7%
193763 11.4%
193787 8.5%
207195 7.6%
193629 7.2%
193712 2.6%
195511 1.7%


217221 84.9%
193753 4.8%
207154 3.1%
193644 2.4%
207203 1.3%
190519 1.1%
190495 0.7%
153718 0.4%


190502 54.6%
207196 12.7%
193813 5.7%
190526 5.0%
193657 4.8%
202582 3.7%
207150 2.4%
193698 2.0%


217222 78.4%
193795 5.2%
193746 3.9%
207201 3.5%
190497 2.8%
153720 2.0%
202601 1.5%
193784 0.7%


207197 27.1%
190501 22.5%
193650 11.8%
193760 10.7%
193669 9.4%
204400 4.1%
202577 3.5%
207157 2.8%


217224 77.5%
190523 7.9%
193694 3.7%
190499 2.0%
153722 1.5%
202597 1.1%
207153 1.1%
195488 1.1%


207202 30.3%
193771 19.4%
190496 12.9%
207148 6.8%
193630 5.5%
204396 5.2%
193728 4.8%
195517 3.5%


195526 73.8%
195480 72.9%
192999 10.0%
193768 6.3%
193708 5.5%
193804 4.8%
193633 3.9%
193671 2.6%


217225 89.5%
217223 87.1%
217221 84.9%
217222 78.4%
217224 77.5%
207201 3.5%
207198 1.7%
207200 1.5%


193001 8.1%
190523 7.9%
190526 5.0%
191623 1.7%
190519 1.1%


201759 57.0%
190502 54.6%
190501 22.5%
193511 17.7%
190496 12.9%
192999 10.0%
190497 2.8%
190499 2.0%


195526 73.8%
195480 72.9%
206448 68.8%
204211 65.5%
207167 62.7%
204465 39.5%
203729 16.6%
194301 15.3%

Top gems and enchants


192948 16.6%
192919 13.0%
192922 12.0%
192945 10.3%
192961 8.4%
192938 5.4%
192958 4.6%
192935 4.3%
192988 3.9%

Main-hand enchants

200054 0.2%

Off-hand enchants

Head enchants

210494 100.0%

Back enchants

200031 54.4%
200032 38.0%
200033 4.3%

Chest enchants

200030 92.8%
200029 6.2%
199988 0.5%

Wrist enchants

200021 50.3%
200023 41.9%
200022 5.8%

Belt enchants

205039 100.0%

Legs enchants

193565 87.3%
204702 7.4%
193564 3.4%

Boots enchants

200018 65.6%
200020 29.2%
199976 3.6%

Ring enchants

200038 47.7%
200037 24.7%
200039 19.8%

All specs